Dropracks Elevating Roof Racks

Developed in Norway, Dropracks are a super swell take on the roof rack that allow you to load your gear at waist height, so you don't drop as you rack up your kayak / skis / mountain bike, and spend the day nursing a thrown-out back instead of enjoying some quality time in the out of doors.

Dropracks eliminate heavy overhead lifting with their integrated crank system, designed to provide enough leverage to lift a fully-loaded rack back up and over onto the roof. In addition to outdoor gear, Dropracks are handy companions for moving heavy or cumbersome tools and work-related items, from ladders to lumber. With waist-height access to 3 sides of the Droprack during loading, you can also ensure objects are fully tied and tightened, avoid scratching your vehicle's paint, and eliminate the possibility of an awkward load falling off and bonking you on the head.
Dropracks include a universal, standard T-track that mounts on the roof of your vehicle, and can accommodate most sports carriers for bikes, kayaks, surfboards, skis, and roof boxes and trays. The elevating racks come in Sport and XL sizes.