Jet Turbine Powered Batmobile
- Twin Blade Batarang Pocket Knife - $8.74
- Batman Brake Light Decal Mask - $1.25
- Lego Batcycle - $24.99
If you thought the TRON Lightcycle was awesome (and expensive) prepare your senses for overload as they take in this Batmobile replica. It's street registered in the US, so if you dream of trying your hand at Batman-style rogue crime fighting, the time is now. In fact, if you do proceed with the financing and down payment, you'll have no choice but to hone your skills of stealth and combat, because every geek, thug, and player in town is going to come after you with various meticulously crafted ploys and fully loaded automatic firearms trying to steal this one-of-a-kind commander of awe, respect, and ass. And if you start to feel guilty about the implications of purchasing a jet turbine-powered behemoth that is as environmentally unfriendly as it is ostentatious, remember this: You are an American. It is not only your right, but your duty to avoid being inconspicuous, flip off the principles of energy conservation, and fly well above the radar.