Presenting the Alphabet: 22 Gifts that Start with T
Picture gifts alphabetically / T for (twenty-)two, and (twenty-)two for T. We've reached T-minus 0, my dudes and ladies. You know what that means: it's T-time, baby!
Note: All alphabet gifts are priced as they were at printing on January 4, 2023. Pricing, and availability, are subject to change.
Thor's Hammer Water Bottle
Thor's Hammer becomes TH2O's Hammer in this Thor's Hammer Water Bottle. Marvel fans, superhero fans, Norse mythology fans, Ragnorak on Netflix fans - prepare to get hammered. And by hammered, I mean hydrated.
TIHK - Tiny Inconspicuous Handcuff Key
The Tiny Inconspicuous Handcuff Key is intended for use by trained law enforcement, military, and security professionals only. However, TIHK will sell a pair of them to anyone with a credit card or other digital payment method. Because that is the beauty of the capitalist spirit and the Land of the Free.
TIHK slides unnoticeably along a back belt loop, pants pocket, shirt tag, sock band, or right above your upper molars between your cheek and gums. This makes it easy to carry everywhere, all the time, even on days you don't figure you'll get handcuffed. Obviously the TIHK should be a trusty companion on any night carrying the possibility of concluding at the residence of a lady you just met.
TubShroom Drain Protector
If my wife's hair is even in the same room as the bathtub drain - no, sometimes if the follicles just sense the drain's presence from the kitchen or the living room - I swear I'm digging a fist-sized nest of her head droppings mixed with my man grime out of it the next time I turn the shower on. What is up with girls who shed worse than golden retrievers?
And if you happen to have a golden retriever you bathe in the tub, I feel sorry for you too.
TubShroom doesn't feel sorry for either us. Instead, it feels like the end of our clogged up problem. In addition to having a sweet name and looking cute as a button (literally; the top looks just like a shirt button) TubShroom inserts into any standard 1-1/2" tub or sink drain and collects up all encroaching hair in a ring around it.
TheTouch Real-Time Heartbeat Rings
Want to feel close to a loved one far away? Or in the next room when it's too much work to get up off the couch? As part of their mission to "make the most personal connecting tools," TheTouch has developed the HB Ring, jewelry that tracks and transmits the real-time heartbeats of its wearers to one another's fingers.
Tungsten Sphere
I'd call the Tungsten Sphere a desktop toy, but given its high density - at just about 2" in diameter the sphere weighs over 3 pounds - I'm not sure how much fiddling or stress-relieving palm rolls you'll be able to do with it. Might be good for some isometric forearm or shoulder exercises during conference calls. And, ladies, think you've mastered kegel balls?
No, the Tungsten Sphere is more desktop art than desktop toy. It's also a cool (and by cool, I mean kind of geeky) conversation piece since anyone who moves to pick it up will likely find himself perplexed by its heft, and possibly drop it on his foot, neither of which will ever get old for you.
Testicuzzi - Hot Tub for Your Testicles
Behold the Testicuzzi. Its contoured rim, its dual, sack-sized interior basins, its ultra-soft pre-cast silicone penis perch! Get ready, testicles, here comes a soaking tub just for you!
Or should I say, get ready, testicles, here comes you in your very own soaking tub!
The deez nutzy idea for a testicular hot tub came about during a conversation between friends about dating, drinking, and random trends. The idea grew, long and hard, until the friends decided to pursue it, creating a 3D model, and then 3D printing their first Testicuzzi prototype.
Along with its thoughtful ergo-nadmics, the Testicuzzi soothes spent snow globes with sack-relaxing air bubbles emitted from a battery-powered base.
Tic Tac Gun
The Tic Tac Gun takes aim at anyone who's eaten the garlic & cheese bread, or drank a whole pot of coffee this morning, and pelts 'em with fresh breath.
Possibly breaking a tooth in the process. ... Hey, you can't have fun and fight halitosis risk-free, kids!
Titanium Hammer
Hammer it home with titanium, and Stiletto Tools says you'll be able to swing, pound, and nail down your building projects and home repairs for hours on end with significantly less hand fatigue and risk of carpal tunnel than you'd have with a steel hammer. Yep, thanks to this lightweight, super strong framing hammer, now you can build your kid's treehouse in the back yard, and then go right on to hanging the 11 new pieces of art your wife bought with nary a break to roll your wrist in between. Lucky bastard!
Toolbox Mini Fridge
A Toolbox Mini Fridge, is that dumb? Haha, just kidding, of course it's not dumb! It's dumbfoundingly cool. And even if the general consensus were that it is dumb, you could still give one of Whynter's workshop chillers as a gift for Dad, and he would think it was the coolest item ever to set footprint in his garage. Especially, he would note, because the mini fridge's 1.8 cubic foot interior can reach temperatures as low as 30 degrees F.
Thumb Saver Trigger Point Massage Tool
Uuuhhh, now where does that plastic thumb go again? Up my a...bductors? OK, I'm down, Thumb Saver trigger point massage tool. I've always had tight hips. Actually, could you go in a little? Just more towards that center area right...dammit! I knew I'd end up with a thumb up my ass!
The Thumb Saver was created for deep tissue massages, as a tool both to help fix the massagee's body, and to prevent destroying that of the massager. It is made of durable ABS material that's hard enough to apply a range of pressures to knotted muscles with minimal effort, thereby saving your thumbs and related joints from the wear and tear manual massage therapists eventually experience.
TerraLiving Preserved Moss Terrariums
Do you like plants? Do you kill plants? If you answered yes to both, TerraLiving's Preserved Moss Terrariums are for you! Creative in conception, stunning in design, and absent of still-aliveness, these moss displays will bring the lushness of a rainforest - or the regrowth of a post-apocalyptic world, or the cultivation of another planet - to the desktops of thumbs green and black alike.
The Thinking Egg Mindfulness Tool
You want how much for an egg? It's not even full-size, and won't make a single Benedict. It can't double as a personal pleasure device either. And despite being called The Thinking Egg, this oblong palm buddy can't think one damn thought!
It can, however and supposedly, encourage you to think a lot of them. The calm, meditative, mindful kinds of thoughts you need when life gets stressful, or things such as rush hour traffic at 2 p.m., or the discovery that your favorite taco truck moved five f'ing blocks away, make you very angry.
Thinking Eggs come in 4 thought-provoking materials: Brass; Howlite Stone; Lava Stone; and Pine Wood.
Tandem Shower - DIY Shower Converter Kit
A shower converter kit with a DIY installation design, the Tandem Shower by Boona looks to make life with your partner even more sexy and squeaky clean, without the awkwardness of moving around tight spaces, and the perpetual problem of always leaving one of you out in the cold. Because as arousing and romantic as the idea of getting wet and nekkid is, without dual shower heads in the bathroom, showering together ends up being a circus of crammed switches between the stream of hot water pouring overhead, and unpleasant shivers when you're the one left outside of it.
The Tandem Shower is a retrofit product made to turn any single-headed shower into one able to shoot its stream from both ends. Contractors and renovations aren't needed with with system's simple(ish) install process, and even renters can upgrade their unit's shower without damaging components, and with the ability to remove and taken the Tandem Shower with them when they move.
Taking Sides Couple's Snack Tray
Yes, please, I want a Taking Sides Couple's Snack Tray. My wife, She-Ra: Princess of Power is always stealing my food. And my wine, beer, and cocktails when she invariably sucks hers down first.
Designed for "snacking soulmates" who don't want to share, the Taking Sides Couple's Snack Tray divvies up treats and drinks into the two sides of a carved American maple or cherrywood infinity symbol. Awww, infinity. The amount of time you will love one another...provided she doesn't eat one more of your damn french fries.
Tirecockz Prank Tire Valve Stem Caps
Ain't no practical joke more practical than Tirecockz. The ridickulous penis tire valve stem caps will humiliate your friend Cornelius (more than driving a Dodge Neon beater already does) but still protect his valve stems while he's spinning porkswords to get home to figure out how to make you pay for this purple-nozzled yogurt slinger of injustices.
Tertill Garden Weeding Robot
Hey dude, got any weeeeeds? Yeah? Well, the Tertill is a garden weeding robot that doesn't just whack them for you, but travels continuously throughout your garden, churning up the top layer of soil, and preventing them from sprouting in the first place. And the Tertill is solar-powered. And it doesn't use herbicides. And it replaces your yearly mulch hauls and laydowns of plastic film and mesh fabric. And - and! - the Tertill weeder robot was created by the inventor of the Roomba vacuum robot.
So put 'dem weeds in your pipe and smoke 'em.
Tardigrade Steel Hose
So. Tardigrade Steel Hose. Daring to bring the world's #1 survivor's reputation to a product that barely survives a summer at Mama's house. We'll see about that.
The Tardigrade Steel Hose is indeed made of steel, but in its lightweight, stainless form. The metal construction allows the hose to operate kink-free and puncture-proof, plus brings added strength and durability to a backyard mainstay otherwise susceptible to weather, animals, vehicles, and others who would do it harm.
Tubmarine Wood-Fired Hot Tubs
Brit Chris Galley conceived the Tubmarine as a wood-fired, eco-friendly outdoor soaker in 2013. Today, he and his team have produced a hot tub that heats up in under 2 hours with no electricity, and minimal maintenance required. Tubmarines combine 304 or 316 corrosion-resistant stainless steel with kebony timber that needs no additional wood treatment, and is guaranteed for 30 years.
Toast! Before You Drink Gummies
I've seen "adult gummies" meant to get you F'd up, but Toast! Before You Drink Gummies are adult gummies that claim to prevent it. Or at least the hangover that follows. The headache. The ass-breath cotton mouth belching forth flavors of rancid whiskey and Coke. The churning stomach that doesn't know whether it wants a pile of bacon or a pile of barf bags. Maybe the second one, and then the first one. Wouldn't want to waste all that good bacon.
The market is already flooded with hangover cures and preventions, but Toast! Before You Drink Gummies believe they can give booze the ol' Care Bear Stare in a brand new, much simpler, and more effective way. According to Toast!, "Before You Drink Gummies are designed to stop the body's immune response [to alcohol] from ever happening."
Thanos One-Piece Swimsuit for Men
Thanos may finally get his wish of wiping out half the world's population if enough dudes don a men's one-piece Thanos swimsuit this summer. And I thought the ladies' version was disturbing. But I guess as the great Titan himself says, "The hardest choices require the strongest wills."
tevaplanter Inside-Out Hydroponic Planter
The tevaplanter is a low maintenance inside-out hydroponic planter for outside-in plant growing. The honeycombed cone has a hollow core for holding water, and is made from a proprietary ceramic material just porous enough to let that water slowly seep through it. Awaiting plant roots, now growing on the exterior of their "pot", are then able to absorb their fill of water, achieving hydration without sacrificing aeration, or risking rot-inducing saturation.
Soil quality and characteristics aren't an issue with the tevaplanter because it doesn't use any. The last bit of dirt on this inside-out planter is that there is none.
Taco Holder Butt Plug
Grab a Taco Holder Butt Plug and run for the b...ack door. I should be all Borat "I excite! I excite!" about Etsy shop Glow F**k Yourself's fetish toys - sex and tacos might be my two favorite things on Earth. But somehow a Taco Holder Butt Plug resonates as an unhappy paradox for me. Like how combining two really awesome things can sometimes make the result one of the worst, rather than one of the best, things ever. Flip-flops and skiing, for example. Mustard and ice cream. Your wife and your girlfriend.
Plus it's like, if my wife is wearing the Taco Holder Butt Plug, I get to eat the taco, but I don't get to wear the butt plug. (And don't even get me started on the guilt trip I'd get about which taco I choose to eat.) But if I'm wearing the Taco Holder Butt Plug, then it's my wife who gets to eat the taco. Unacceptable!