Pornosonic: Unreleased 70's Porn Music

Unreleased 70's porn music?! Is Pornosonic trying to tell me there are adult film tracks out there I haven't heard yet? Puh! Wuh! Well. I know what I'm sliding into my 2012 MacBook's CD player, and then what I'm streaming on mute on my 2016 tablet's screen this weekend. Oh the anticipation of hearing all new combinations of the sounds Bow and Chicka!
For those who don't still have a laptop with a CD drive, or an old Discman laying around, you can also purchase Pornosonic: Unreleased 70's Porn Music in MP3 form. As an album or by individual tracks if you dig the sample of "Dick Dagger's Theme" (feat. Ron Jeremy) and "Spiderpussy," but feel like "Her Magic Carpet" and "Sex Starved Secretaries" don't have enough bass to make them worth the investment.
And I have even better news for Amazon Prime members - or any of you who need just one last nudge to join Prime: you can stream all 10 tracks from Pornosonic: Unreleased 70's Porn Music free with your membership. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.