Wobbling Willy - Your Face on a Dildo (NSFW)
- Mini Midget Love Doll - $10.25
- Micro Penis Cure.com Prank Mailer Box - $10.99
- BigBanana 9.8" PVC Realistic Dildo - $19.99
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- Shibari Mini Halo 20x - Multi-speed Wand Vibrator - $19.41
- Vagina Odor Helper.com Prank Mailer Box - $10.99
Dudes, check out the Wobbling Willy's practical application for all those selfies you've been taking. Your face on a dildo. A way, way sexier (and more functional!) gift for your girlfriend than that framed dick pic you originally had in mind.
The Wobbling Willy is an adorable little dildo man who's got manliness spewing out of both ends: a 7-1/2", 100% silicone-sculpted penis on the one; and a hand-sculpted polymer clay likeness of you on the other.
Or any fella of your choosing. Imagine, ladies, having a dick with 2 heads at your constant disposal, and imagine if one of those heads were Ryan Gosling's!
A Swedish Dr. Frankenstein created the Wobbling Willy in 2015. It is a "subspecies clone of Homo Sapiens and classified as the genus Dickus Erectus." Create a personalized Dickus Erectus of your own by e-submitting a few head shots (er, photographs, not sperm samples) of your desired subject to Wobbling Willy. They'll work to turn the pics into a dildo-proportioned 3D sculpture, and then mail you - or whatever girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, or friend Cornelius you desire to have the Wobbling Willy - the results in a discreet package. Along with a faux suede pouch to class it up even more.
And an instruction leaflet in case your recipient is the type who needs directions on how to go F themselves.
Despite its name, the Wobbling Willy doesn't really wobble. At least not in the Bobblehead sense. But, if you give it a "firm and distinct shaking" you might be able to get some Night at the Roxbury dance moves out of it.
Neither is the Wobbling Willy an electric vibrator. No batteries, no cords, just a big dick topped off with the head of a lover, a crush, or...an even bigger dick.