Eye Chart Cocktail Shaker
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People who know humor know there ain't no humor like optometry humor, so we Googled high and low for the gut-clutching piece of ocular awesomeness that is the Eye Chart Cocktail Shaker. OK, what really happened is greatly insightful Dude reader Jenni saw it, knew we would dig it, and passed it along as a product suggestion. So to Jenni we say, Thanks, yo! And to the rest of our bomb diggity readers: OMG I am so wasted I can't even read what this says.
The Eye Chart Cocktail Shaker is big. Huge. Its glass body has a 32-ounce capacity and, when fitted with a stainless steel lid and strainer, it stands 10 1/4" tall. This is to ensure it takes only one Martini or Manhattan to stimulate the blurred vision and intended eye chart humor.
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