Christmas Tree Toilet Plunger

Posted: November 01, 2020
Christmas Tree Toilet Plunger
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Seventeen years too late, but this Christmas Tree Toilet Plunger would have made a perfect prop in Christmas Vacation. A little something for Uncle Eddie to have tucked under his Meister-Brau-and-stogie-wielding arm during the iconic "Shitter's Full" scene.

But hey, a Christmas Tree Toilet Plunger isn't a bad prop for Christmas 2020 either. I for one am hoping we can shove all the piles of shit we've accumulated over this year down the toilet this holiday season, and Baby Jesus knows if we're successful in doing so, we better be prepared for a few clogs along the way. And geared up with the right goods to clear them. A plunger decorated with pine fronds, ornament balls, and a big red bow will certainly make a delightful and festive addition to my own arsenal of toilet and turd tools. The Poop Knife and holiday Poo-Pourri set come highly recommended as well, if not for yourself, then for your Dirty Santa and White Elephant gift exchanges.

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