Lid-L-Buddy Touch-Free Trash Can & Dumpster Opener

I'm adding this Lid-L-Buddy to my lifehacks no matter what kind of pandemic is going around. The touch-free trash can and dumpster opener saves you from touching grimy, smelly, germy garbage bin lids both at home and on-the-go thanks to a multi-functional design, and a Lid-L-Buddy buddy policy that sells the hygiene helpers in sets of two.
You can use the Lid-L-Buddy to hold open trash can or dumpster lids with one hand by gripping the plastic handle and notching the Lid-L-Buddy "beak" under the can lid. Or you can use the tool to prop open the lid a few inches hands-free, with enough space to toss in, say, your empty sodie can or your Pug Life Poop Bag. Lid-L-Buddy also recommends keeping its lid lifters permanently installed on your trash and recycling bins for some ventilation, so "you're not exposed to that concentrated waft of funky odor" when you open it. But I'm not so sure about that given the tendency for raccoons and neighbors' fat cats Willard to jump on any opportunity to go dumpster diving. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.