Do Hit Chair - DIY Sledgehammer Seating

- Furmax Metal Dining Chairs (Set of 4) - $89.99
- Apollo Athletics Steel Sledgehammer for Fitness - $48.00
- I Break Things T-Shirt - $25.99
- Fiskars Pro IsoCore 10 lb Sledge Hammer - $53.99
- Anger Management Workbook for Men - $10.09
I can't say I've ever seen a chair with a "Do Not Hit" sign or theme, but that doesn't make this Do Hit Chair any less interesting to me. It's like, you know, Just Do Hit.
In the spirit of anger- and stress-busting smash rooms, the Marijn van der Poll Do Hit Chair design for Droog arrives as a stainless steel box and sledgehammer. It's your choice as co-designer where the DIY seating goes from there.
Droog also sells a pre-smashed version of the Do Hit Chair, in case you doubt your artistic or physical ability to pound it out into shape accommodating to a human butt and torso. You'll still get the sledgehammer though to inflict finishing flourishes.
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