Human & Pet Rocking Chair
- Batman Rocking Sofa - $84.76
- Dog Water Bed - $64.99
- White Cradle Rocking Chair - $125.00
- Dog Cooling Vest - $37.95
- Sponge Bob Rocking Chair - $56.53
First, we prepare all of their meals and allow them to share our bed. Then, we scurry along behind them, scrambling for a plastic bag when they squat to take a dump, picking up the shit when they're done, and schlepping the wad back home to deposit in the appropriate waste receptacle. Now, we are sitting on the front porch, nestling our pets into wooden beds--cushioned and slatted wooden beds that accommodate the perfect combination of sunlight and shade--rocking them to sleep. And probably singing them a lullaby. What's next, hand feeding the cat bird jerky, and fanning the dog with marrow-infused palm leaves? (FYI, I use my Ron Popeil food dehydrator to make the jerky, and a 1 mL syringe to flavor the fronds).
Paul Kweton's rocking-2-gether chair is a human rocker-pet house hybrid that further confuses the roles of owner and owned. The photographed prototype is cut from CNC milled birch plywood, the product of both digital modeling and digital fabrication. Kweton would like to see the rocking chair produced in a series and distributed down the line, but is currently still seeking collaboration for its manufacture. Interested parties can contact him at [email protected].