LockBlock Child-Proof Knife Set

It seems like most kids who wouldn't be able to press the release button on a LockBlock Knife Set also wouldn't be big enough to reach the knives in a normal knife block set back on the kitchen countertop in the first place. See: kid in photo above who is barely tall enough to reach the countertop itself. But, I get the cloud of constant worry surrounding parenthood, and the abundance of caution you might want to take with sharp and dangerous objects. Especially sharp and dangerous objects kiddos associate with cutting the crusts off their PB&J sammiches.
So adding a child-proof mechanism to a knife block is still a pretty good idea from Joseph Joseph. Even better, when you pull on a knife in the LockBlock without pressing one of its side release buttons, it increases the force of the block's grip. So you can enjoy the resultant frustration and prank-like qualities of someone who isn't familiar with the LockBlock, such as your friend Cornelius or your mama, trying to grab a knife and not being able to free it from the jaws of its holder.
Also, Joseph Joseph notes, the LockBlock release button must be pressed firmly to activate, and is positioned such that only someone with an adult-sized hand can get the leverage and force needed to do it. So you are still keeping your kitchen knives safe from kids and Trump hands who have seen you press the button to remove them.
The LockBlock Child-Proof Knife Set comes with 6 Japanese stainless steel knives.
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