Object Rights Curved Flatware

Object Rights made this curious Curved Flatware so your fork, knife, and spoon can exist "in harmony with your circular plate." But what about the harmony with your hand and mouth? I'd like to see a demo of someone successfully cutting a piece of chicken or lasagna with the Curved Fork and Knife, and then successfully depositing it between their teeth.
I feel like I would definitely stab myself in the face at least twice per meal, given how familiar I am with the general layout of a fork, and how trained my brain is to move it from plate to mouth along a path that's based on the fork's linear design. The only times I've come close to interacting with a fork like Curved Flatware's fork is after too many gin & tonics. And, come to think of it, I have stabbed myself in the face during those times.
Nonetheless, in addition to their unique and evocative design, Object Rights says their Curved Flatware is also ergonomic, and reduces wrist pressure during use. But again, would like to see video evidence.
The utensils are 3D printed from bronzed steel, and come in sets of 2, 3, or 4. In addition to the hand-eye-confusing Curved Flatware, Object Rights is also behind the fist-pumping Knuckle Juicer and the thumb-greening Devoted One Watering Can & Planter.