Cookie Monster Pipe
Holy crap, can you imagine how many cookies the Cookie Monster would eat if he were high? Possibly all the cookies in the world. Which in a way would be interesting to witness, but in a bigger way very sad, because then I would have no cookies to eat when I am high. Good thing this Cookie Monster comes in glass pipe form, so I'll be the only one getting high and eating cookies.
Custom made by Hedcraft, the Cookie Monster--or, as he calls it, Munchie Monster--Pipe is available in any colors buyers would like, so if your feel Oscar or Elmo would make a better smoke-out companion, feel free to request deviations from the photographed blue/aqua pattern and cookie poker add-on (e.g., a trash can lid for Oscar, a knuckle sandwich for Elmo.)
By the way, here are some comedic parameters the vendor has set, with agreement implicit prior to pipe purchase:
- Buyer of pipe fashioned in the likeness of legendary childhood favorite Cookie Monster must be at least 18 years old.
- Buyer must agree not to use Cookie Monster Pipe to engage in any illegal activity.
- Buyer must attest that glass Cookie Monster Pipes are legal in buyer's state.