Fake Charger Plug Diversion Safe

In case you were wondering about the authenticity and integrity of this Fake Charger Plug Diversion Safe, its makers will have you know, it is made of "fine quality plastic." Which might not be as strong and durable as, say, steel, but the point here of course isn't to prevent people from breaking into your safe, but to keep them from recognizing it as a safe in the first place. And as someone who's seen a ton of decoy safes over the years, I think a fake charger plus is one of the better ideas out there, since you can not only hide your cash, stash, and other small valuables inside, but also store the diversion safe in plain sight. As opposed to a safe masked as a can of soup, a bottle of shampoo, or a light bulb, which would look out of place sitting on your desk or nightstand.
I may even take a Fake Charger Plug Diversion Safe over the Autoblow Decoy Safe, because while I think the latter is a 10/10 way to keep sticky fingers from getting anywhere near your hidden treasure, it will 0/10 go without notice and interest to anyone who stumbles upon it, whereas a random charger plug won't garner any attention at all.
The Fake Charger Plug Diversion Safe comes in white and black US plug, and black EU plug styles.
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