Handmade Vintage Post Office Box Door Safes

- Book of Mormon Book Safe with 8oz Hidden Flask - $44.99
- Fingerprint Gun Safe - $81.98
- TIGERKING Security Home Safe - $246.49
- Barska Quick Access Biometric Rifle Safe - $359.99
- BARSKA Biometric Fingerprint Top Opening Drawer Safe - $259.99
You can reach me at P.O. Box Don't Touch My Shit. And just in case you forget, I've locked the most valuable of it (cash, stash, Hot Wheels collectibles) up inside one of these very fine vintage post office door safes.
Woodworker and US Army veteran Brent Nelson reclaims real vintage post office box doors, and fits them onto the front of his handmade hardwood safes / banks. The "Double Eagle" post office box door shown in the featured safe above is solid brass, and around 100 years old. The rest of the cabinet is made of solid American walnut, with sides set together using box joints for extra strength, and finished with lacquer to bring out its natural color.
Post office box door safes come in various desktop-ready sizes, and include either a combination or a key lock for protecting your most cherished or sensitive items from wandering eyes and hands.