Waspinator Wasp Nest Decoy

Not sure how much hanging a Waspinator wasp nest decoy off the eaves of your roof is going to do for your home's aesthetics - the thing looks like a bathroom can trash bag - but if you're worried about wasp or hornet squatters, it might be worth the unsightly visuals. Just tell people it's functional avant garde art.
According to Waspinator the decoy for the stinging winged ones "fools wasps into thinking they missed their chance to set up shop near your home or camp." Kind of like when jerks at the coffee shop or on the bus pile their stuff on the chair next to them so newcomers will be inclined to go sit somewhere else. Except with the wasps I guess you have an OK reason to be a space hog - letting them join you could potentially result in a trip to the hospital or anaphylactic shock.
The Waspinator attempts to mimic an enemy wasp nest in shape and appearance. There are other wasp decoys available, but this one says since it's not made of paper like the others it is weatherproof and durable enough to last for several seasons.
Waspinator placement is recommended for a variety of places and conditions, including anywhere you eat or drink outside, roof eaves, on camping trips and picnics, and on decks and patios. Tailgating season sounds like a good candidate too.
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