Blackstone Griddle Cooking Station

Posted: June 08, 2016
Blackstone Griddle Cooking Station
Check It Out

A few days ago I showed you the super sweet Meat Shredding Claws as a super cheap option for a Father's Day gift. Today I pass along the super sweet Blackstone Griddle as a super not-cheap option for a Father's Day gift. You know, just in case you're super rich...or you still super owe your dad for that little, uh, fender bender you had with his baby Mustang your senior year in high school.

The 36" x 21" griddle sits atop a complete cooking station with cantilevered side shelves and a large bottom shelf for food prep and storage. Four independently controlled stainless steel burners light with a push button ignition and output up to 15,000 BTU apiece.

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