Belt Buckle Knife
Well I just hope the sheaths in Bowen's blade-wielding belts are secure and hefty enough to preclude any potential slippage or puncturing in the vicinity of the most important part of my body. The last thing I need from my self-defense, survivalist, and EDC items is an appreciable chance of penile or testicular impalement. I'm already worried enough that the weight of my Krang belt buckle bearing down on my crotch while seated will numb the region's sensitivity.
Barring any mishaps, the knife buckles and their custom belts are pretty slick. Blades are made of 420 stainless steel and heat treated to RW 54 - 56. A contoured base supports sturdy 2-fingered grips and enables wearers to draw a knife from its built-in hidden sheath in seconds. Buckles come in single- and double-edge narrow blades (2-1/2" long) and single- and double-edge wide blades (2-7/8" long).
Knife buckles and belts are sold separately. The belts themselves, also obviously available in narrow or wide, come in genuine black and brown leather. Note: Bowen does not recommend wearing a belt buckle knife leading into sex with women you have just met, or have otherwise not known long enough to be entirely sure aren't crazy.
The belt buckle knife is a top Dude Gift for a Man and Gift for Dad pick.
Muchas danke to Bless This Stuff.