Zombie Doll Tights
- Zombie Leg Purse - $13.99
- Zombie Brain Purse - $12.99
- Zombie Bikini - $51.99
- Zombie Leg Club - $7.00
- Wolf Fang Ballet Flats - $35.00
These are called Zombie Doll tights, but they are actually meant to be worn by women, not dolls. Unless you happen to be both, like this chick, who pretty much defines the terms "personality disorder", "bat shit crazy", and "still hot enough for neither of those things to matter". Sharon Bateman's custom-made leg sheaths are painted with ball joints, stitched-up wounds, dripping blood, and, just so it won't feel left out, a healthy dose of gangrene. They're ideal for zombie-themed costumes, as well as zombie-themed Saturday afternoon walks to the ice cream shop or the zoo or somewhere rife with children who your gashed and gruesome legs will make cry. Tights can be undeaded up in flesh-colored, white or pink.
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