Poundtown Condom
- Proven Penis Enlarger Tank Top - $13.95
- 15-Pack of Female Condoms - $25.00
- Welcome to Poundtown T-Shirt - $17.95
- 6-Sided Truth or Dare Dice - $5.95
- Glow-in-the-Dark Condoms - $7.99
In case there was any confusion, Poundtown Condom vendor Say It with a Condom specifies this particular latex shroud is for "anyone who's a Poundtown regular, or is coming for the first time." Haha, get it? There are, like, 3 or...69...double entendres in there. Other reasons to pick up your ticket to Poundtown:
- Many cannot get into Poundtown without one.
- Poundtown is full of stray cats, but most of them have not been spayed.
- Everyone from Yelp reviewers to Giada De Laurentiis rate Poundtown's tube steak the best in the world.
- Poundtown makes getting whacked safe and fun! Even if you end up bound and gagged in the trunk of a car!
Muchas danke to Mitch T. for using the Dude Product Tips form upon his return from Poundtown.
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