Inflatable Chub Suits
- Cut My Head Off Costume - $24.27
- Ridin' an Ostrich Costume - $36.99
- Inflatable Sumo Costume - $25.37
- Mona Lisa Portrait Costume - $18.46
- Flashing Rainbow LED Mouthpiece (Set of 6) - $6.99
WARNING: Keep Chub Suits away from fire. Ha! All I can think of after seeing these tub-o costumes and reading that line is the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. Kids, take note: if you wear an inflatable Chub Suit this Halloween, leave the S'Mores making to someone else.
Available in 11 colors and size XXXL, Chub Suits are a great costume for people who want to get noticed and make a statement this Halloween, but don't really want to put any thought into how to get noticed and make a statement. As the suit's mesh head stocking hides its wearer's entire face without restricting sight or air, they're also a really good choice for ugly people.
Chub Suit packages include the inflatable suit with attached fan and battery pack, a mask, gloves, and socks. They run on 4 x AA batteries.
Chub Suits are a top Dude Gift for Halloween pick. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.