The BevBuckle

BevBuckle! It was on Shark Tank. I didn't see the episode, but that's what it says all over the Internet, so it must be true. Respectable programming like Shark Tank wouldn't allow a retractable booze-holding belt buckle to throw its good name around frivolously. I have to say, this is a decent idea, and one that seems to have persevered a long trek to its current level of media exposure and success. Also, the suggestiveness of a longneck beer bottle resting atop the buckle's fold-down face plate is particularly striking, though its retention ring is wide enough to hold less phallic-looking cans as well.
BevBuckles come in colors Antique Silver, Bronze Ba BAM, and Pirate Black, all currently available in the oval curlicue style. New, more subtle brushed metal designs are also on their way.