Double Handed Glove of Love
- Elmo Tickle Hands Gloves - $16.17
- Love Glove Grooming Mitt for Cats - $7.47
- LED Gloves for Raves - $24.95
- Premium Wood Touchscreen Gloves - $21.99
- Hot Hands Pack of 40 Hand Warmers - $29.99
Four things to keep in mind, men, when you buy a Smitten, the double handed glove of love, for your wife or girlfriend this Valentine's Day. 1) The Smitten is a glove built for two schmoopy folks' simultaneous use. 2) It is kind of lame and cheesy. 3) Your recipient is going to love it. 4) Because it is a glove built for two, and because she is going to love it, you too are going to have to use the Smitten regularly, despite its lameness and cheese. Got it? Good. Go forth into the night and, armed with this knowledge, make a decision you can live with.
Woolen Smittens come in one size fits most, and also include a pair of gloves to keep you and your s.o.'s non-Smittened hand warm. Or to wear on both hands should you tell the person to whom you gave the Smitten to pound sand, thereby eliminating your obligation to wearing a glove of love.