
Marty McFly Nikes

Rumors abound that Nike will be releasing the Nike Air Mag shoes Marty McFly wore in Back To The Future II. This could be the biggest sneaker news since... sneakers started making the news. I can't wait to get a pair...

The Batarang Money Clip

$39 ThinkGeek »

Imagine this: You're on a date. As usual, things aren't going very well. She's finished her 3rd drink and still sees a slack jawed lummox when she looks across the table. The tab arrives. You, being the sucker that you...

Black Skeleton Swimsuit

James Lillis designed black swimsuit with anatomical skeleton print. IT's a little too see-through for me. I wish it would've stopped at the epidermis. But the bones leave a little to the imagination I guess. Matching...

Zombie Stitch Necklace

$28 Etsy »

The living and the undead are vastly different creatures. But one thing holds true... zombie snitches get zombie stitches. This choker acts as a suture across a non-existent gash in your neck undoubtedly given to you...

Street Art Walls Notebook

$6.22 Amazon »

Practice your best Banksy rip-off on 80+ pages of New York City walls in this cleverly designed notebook. I guess if you come up with something decent, you can search out the real scene and replicate it. Then go to jail...

The World In A Bottle

$25 Etsy »

Tiny, intricate and detailed. How someone has the patience to do this, I don't know. You have to have very small, steady hands to get into this kind of work I'd imagine. Maybe it's the same person who did this nano origami...


$11.99 Amazon »

Finally a real need has been filled. Underpants for your hands. Great for protecting your hands while... eating chocolate and scratching your butt? Maybe these gloves should be worn under your regular gloves to protect...

Lil' Jason Necklace


A smaller cuter version of the always lovable psychopath Jason Voorhees. Complete with signature hockey mask and machete, this Crystal Lake resident hopes to find a safe home between a nice set of breasts...

The iNecklace

Sophisticated. Elegant. Open Source. The iNecklace is a gorgeously machined aluminum pendant with a subtle pulsating LED. Perfect for the playa or with Prada. Made for women who celebrate art, science, engineering and...

Etch A Sketch Skirt


Turning iconic pieces of technology into clothing is something that has never occurred to me. Neither is wearing a skirt, but that all changed as soon as I came across this beauty. If you're in love with this... checkout...

Smoking Mittens


If you insist on slowly killing yourself, I think it's only reasonable that you do it with warm hands and smelly mittens. The economy of design is pretty clever though, and I'll admit, there were a few drunken nights...

Sexy TRON Outfit


Wise shoppers know that when buying a gift, you should choose something for the recipient that you would never choose to buy for yourself. In that vein, this smokin' hot, 12-gauge clear plastic TRON corset lined with...

Porcelain Skulls

These remind me of the inside of a seashell combined with the skull of a superhuman... like Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie or Larry David. I think these are the type of pieces that you can't own if you also own little kids...

Catalina Wine Mixer T-shirt


You're ready to run with the bulls? I've been earning and burning, snapping necks and cashing checks. Brennan, here's the thing. It's the Catalina fucking Wine Mixer, okay? It's the biggest helicopter-leasing event in...

Beer Box Cowboy Hats

$24.95 - $34.95 Amazon »

The time honored tradition of taking an empty twelve pack box and wearing it for a hat to impress women has finally been standardized. These hats are made from real beer boxes and are officially licensed. These are actually...

Sex Panther Cologne

$39.99 Amazon »

Sex Panther Cologne, the fictitious cologne from the movie Anchorman has become a reality. I've heard that a certain percentage of the time this stuff works every time. That's what I've heard. I'm not sure what those...

Beaker Muppet Halloween Costume

Sold Out Etsy »

Do you want to be the coolest person at the party and have everyone love you? I've got you covered dude. Seriously though, how can the guy/girl wearing the gigantic Beaker head not be awesome? Clothes really can make...

Bobcat Eyeball Ring


How many bobcats did this guy have to kill just for these rings? Who cares... it's worth it, because these are awesome. Great for punching people in the face and scaring off every woman that has a visual on you because...

TRON Stainless Steel Black Ring


Do you really want to irritate your wife? Then demand that this be your wedding ring. Why not? Kind of makes a statement to would be criminals too. You're a dude wearing a black steel ring... you're a dude not to be messed...

Arkham Harley Quinn Costume


Cartoons and reality have met, merged, and are now calling out to your carn(iv)al sensibilities. Sinister, hard-edged, Brooklyn-tongued Harley Quinn makes the likes of animated wet dreams Jessica Rabbit and Holli Wood...

Little Mermaid Ariel Costume

Sold Out Etsy »

I've never been into the whole mermaid thing... until now. The shells were hand carved, then molded, and each shell is hand cast in a plastic resin. The shells come painted in whatever colors you would like and will fit...

Sucker Punch Babydoll Costume


I lost everyone I loved. And then they locked me away. With no where to hide from the pain. Until they came out with this hot costume. Is there anything better than a woman in uniform? Does anyone have any good Tomb Raider...

Hand Tattoos

Sold Out Amazon »

Become an instant hit with you nephews and nieces (or your own kids if you're fertile/not sterile) with these temporary hand tattoos. Having trouble figuring out what to get toddlers for their birthdays? Just get them...

Bill Solo T Shirt

Imagine if you will the genius of one William Murray playing Han Solo instead of that old hangdog expression you're used to from Harrison Ford. Maybe Star Wars could have finally become the comedy it aspired to be. Maybe...