The Penis / The Vagina: An Owner's Guide

Posted: December 12, 2021
The Penis / The Vagina: An Owner's Guide
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Pssshhh! I don't need no stinkin' owner's guide to my own penis. ... ... Do I? According to Dr. Brooke Ah Shay, I sure cock-a-doodle-do. And so do you. What, you don't have a penis? Welp, take The Penis: An Owner's Guide, flip it on over and upside down. Suddenly, it becomes The Vagina: An Owner's Guide, and suddenly, this book is for you too.

In The Penis / The Vagina: An Owner's Guide, Ah Shay endeavors to "save us from ourselves." And by that, she mostly means the random shit we read on the internet and willingly adopt as sexual doctrine, with a particular shoutout of shame to the misinformation available on Yahoo Answers. The guide distills anatomical, biological, and gettin' it on particulars from "boring medical texts" into a more accessible and fun read that also addresses our down-there curiosities, and enlightens us about all the stuff we never knew we didn't know about our own naughty bits.

As mentioned, The Penis / The Vagina: An Owner's Guide is also two books in one, so after you've learned all about the plumbing that runs through your body, you can read up on all the stuff you haven't got.

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