X Rocker Pro H3 Vibrating Gaming Chair

Posted: June 22, 2021
X Rocker Pro Series H3 Vibrating Gaming Chair
Check It Out

Hey, who put a quarter in my gaming chair? X Rocker's Pro H3 Vibrating Gaming Chair probably caters to gamers too young to get that joke...or adults who aren't really in the market for getting laid anyway...but when can I ever resist the low-hanging fruit of a joke involving sexual innuendo? Especially when the X Rocker etches a big "X" on the headrest of its H3 - X-rated, and X marks the spot of innumerable jokes about vibrating chairs and gamers.

You think haptic feedback adds something to Call of Duty? Try sitting in the X Rocker Pro H3 while playing Virtual Mate.

PS: X Rocker says you can connect your Pro H3 with other Pro H3 Gaming Chairs "for the ultimate experience."

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