FireCel Plus Hand Warmer, Flashlight & Charger

Posted: September 21, 2021
FireCel Plus Hand Warmer, Flashlight & Charger
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The FireCel Plus is a 3-in-1 hand warmer, flashlight, and charger from Celestron, who I know as "the expensive telescope people." And indeed, a multi-tool that will toast your frigid fingers, power up your dying phone, and give you the light you need to calibrate your view of the Pleiades would make a handy stargazing companion.

But no telescope is required if you just want to stay warm, well-lit, and charged when you're watching your kid's soccer game in 40-degree weather, doing after-dark dogwalking duty, or don't make it back from your hike right after sunset like you planned.

I know my wife, for one, will be all over the FireCel Plus' 12 hours of continuous heat. And if this year is like last year, I will appreciate the gadget's 5-mode flashlight, complete with an SOS signal I can use to tell my friend Cornelius it's time for more weed to the rescue during a cold-ass, lame-ass outdoor winter party.

The Celestron FireCel Plus gives heat and power via its 5200 mAh rechargeable battery. The battery can charge smartphones, cameras, e-readers, and a variety of other USB-powered devices. The flashlight has both red and white LEDs, and in addition to SOS, can cycle through solid white, solid red, blinking white, and blinking red modes.

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