Haley's Original Corker

Posted: November 18, 2020
Haley's Original Corker
Check It Out

Halley's Comet might be more impressive when it comes to celestial visuals, but Haley's Corker is where it's at for not spilling leftover wine in your fridge, and preserving open bottles with an airtight seal. And - no wait, don't roll your eyes, there's so much more.

Haley's Corker is actually a 5-in-1 wine multi-tool, able to aerate your vino, pour it neatly, and filter out sunken sediment, in addition to providing a leak-proof seal, and keeping fresh plonk fresher for plonger.

Haley's Corker is also an inexpensive addition to a wine lover's bar collection, making it a great stocking stuffer or White Elephant gift this holiday season.

I believe all the comet can do is fly by Earth every 75 years and wave.

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