Book & Hero Bookend

Posted: July 28, 2015
Book & Hero Bookend
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I wish this super dude was here to save me from having to read the books, but it looks like his job is just to keep them from falling over. Equally heroic, I guess. I don't need another 10-pound tome whacking me in the head during my afternoon name on account of my girlfriend's a-hole cat going into one of his spastic leaping intervals. Cats are so weird. Jury's still out on whether or not having to live with one is an upgrade from my mama's house or not.*

The Book & Hero Bookend from Artori Design is a clever use of metal and magnets. A simple slide, stand, and attach creates the optical illusion of a burly yet dashing flying man inserting himself between your organized collection of Lord of the Rings novels and their attempts to plummet into complete Middle-earth chaos.

*Yes, that's right. As previously mentioned, I went through with the move last weekend. From my mama's house to my girlfriend's condo. From rules and nagging from my mama to rules and nagging from my girlfriend, She-Ra: Princess of Power. With the bonus of a cat.

Muchas danke to Manny for the Dude Product Tip.

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