Boska Pizza Party Hot Stone

Posted: March 14, 2021
Boska Pizza Party Hot Stone
Check It Out

The Boska Pizza Party Hot Stone pairs a pizza stone for cooking your pizza (in the oven or on the grill) with a tealight-packed stand for keeping its crust crisp and toppings hot and gooey for hours while you eat it. I know, I know. But despite the ridiculousness of thinking it will take anyone hours to scarf down a 12" pizza, the key takeaway here is: Pizza for You + Candles for Her = Best Accompaniments to a Night of Netflix & Chill.

I mean, unless you're still using your mama's Netflix account like I am, in which case you might be in for a rude awakening. I've heard Netflix is starting to crack down on the delights of password-sharing.

Welp, Boska Pizza Party Hot Stone, you, me, and March Madness it is then.

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