Never Disconnect Divided Dinner Plate
Have you been looking for a dinner plate that will solve all your problems? Well. If all your problems are: 1) you hate it when different foods touch; and 2) you hate being away from your game / streaming service / social media for even the 5 minutes it takes to pull, microwave, and pop open some Cup Noodles, then lookee here my friends. It's a dinner plate with 2 separate sections and a smartphone or tablet holder on the back! It's a never disconnect divided dinner plate!
Protect crispy chicken nuggets from gooey mashed potatoes and gravy as you Fortnite Battle Royale between bites.
Keep your chips and queso together, but separate while you catch up on the latest season of Silicon Valley.
Plant a fat slice of cheesecake right next to your steamed fish and broccoli, using the former as incentive to eat the latter as you livestream the experience on Instagram.
With this dinner plate, it's divide and conquer, dudes. Divide and conquer and never disconnect! is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.