
Haven Automatic Heat-Activated Fire Extinguisher


The Haven is a firefighter's attempt to combine the individual benefits of a fire extinguisher and a smoke detector, while removing many of the devices' drawbacks. The result is an automatic, heat-activated fire safety...

Sunbeam Quilted Heated Mattress Pad

$46.79 - $65.96 Amazon »

Do you take your heat from the top down or the bottom up? For the bottoms ups out there, Sunbeam can keep you warm in bed this winter with a toasty quilted heated mattress pad. An alternative to the electric blanket...

Bump It Off Brush for Fabric, Kitchen, Pets & Body

Sold Out Amazon »

That all-in-one pet groomer, stain remover, pot scrubber, and skin exfoliator you've been seeking? Look no further! The Bump It Off is a silicone cleaning brush that does it all! I'll bet you thought it would be much...

Gentlemen's Hardware 12-in-1 Kitchen Multi-Tool

$29.50 Amazon »

I'm not sure how practical Gentlemen's Hardware's 12-in-1 Kitchen Multi-Tool will be for performing actual tasks in the kitchen, but if you're a lady looking for a gift for a man that might encourage him to help you out...

Fishing Man Table Lamp


Know any fishermen, plumbers, electricians, or steampunk enthusiasts? Mr.J + Mr.C's Fishing Man Table Lamp covers a whole lot of bases for those looking for a gift for a man. And even if he is (or you are) none of the...

LoafNest Super Easy Dutch Oven Bread Maker

$209 Amazon »

When LoafNest sent me one of their cast iron dutch ovens to test out its bread making skills (and the claim that it's the world's easiest artisan bread kit) I assumed my wife would be doing the baking. Not because she's...

Cardboard Airships by Jeroen van Kesteren

Cardboard airships. Now there's an idea for how to recycle all those boxes I get from Amazon. I'll have to fly Jeroen van Kesteren over from the Netherlands to build them for me though since I'm pretty sure the only piece...

The LaySee Pillow for Glasses Wearers

$75 Amazon »

I know "LaySee Pillow" is an irresistible pun, but come on, I'm not lazy just because I want to be able to lie down and see. And also, not to get all Grammar Po on you, but according to Sheriff Word Use, you don't lay...

Football Clubs of Europe

$37 - $160 Pop Chart Lab »

So I guess there's a few more football clubs of Europe than there are NFL clubs of America, huh? Yeah, I mean, I knew that before, but seeing it visualized in one of Pop Chart Labs' excellent infographic posters is almost...

Pyptek Glass Adventure Pipes

$50 - $140 Pyptex »

Ready for some adventure? No? Here, take a puff from this Pyptek pipe then. Couple minutes and you'll be ready to head to the playground with me and my friend Cornelius for some American Ninja Warrior training...

Speciale Rotating Knife

$75 - $120 Kickstarter »

Chop an onion with one hand and look mighty fine doing it! The Speciale knife puts an interesting twist - or rather, rotation - on the kitchen blade. The chef's knife comes with a rotating brass pin you can screw into...

Slatted Wood Sofa Arm Tray Table

Sold Out Amazon »

A slatted wood sofa arm tray table is a real good idea...presuming it works exactly as shown. Otherwise, a slatted wood sofa arm tray table isn't just a bad idea, it's a direct path to spilling drinks and dropping food...

Bacon Grease Storage Container

Sold Out Amazon »

Hate to waste all that bacon grease after cooking up a slab of thick-cut applewood smoked strips. That's good stuff. It really beefs (porks?) up my fried eggs. And my chicken & waffles smoothies. But when there's too...

Jack-o'-Lantern Fire Pit & Fireplace Logs

$39.99 Amazon »

If you're not sinister - or brave - enough to burn demon skulls in your fire pit or fireplace at this year's Halloween party, how's about letting the flames lash out from some smiling jack-o'-lantern logs?...

Skull Scissors

Well I know what Joey Gladstone would say about these Skull Scissors. Cut. It. Out...

Spoon Motorcycle Sculptures

I'd give artist James Rice all my spoons and eat ice cream with a fork forevermore if he agreed to turn my silver utensils into a Spoon Motorcycle Sculpture as fantastic as The Roadrunner (above) and The Liberator (see...

The Balvenie Reclaimed Whiskey Barrel Bar Cart

$3,900 Todd Snyder »

Nevermind that Mats Christeen is an artisan furniture craftsman capable of transforming reclaimed Balvenie whiskey barrels into the Balvenie Bar Cart you see here. Dude is also a former NHL draft pick and pro hockey player...

Offencils Profanity Pencils (NSFW)

$16.99 Amazon »

Offencils profanity pencils are like the Daniel Tosh of insulting writing tools. They say it, they own it, and if you're offended,'re probably a scat-sucking twat face anyway. And, also like Tosh, if you can...

Kleenex-Munching Cat Tissue Box Cover

Sold Out Amazon »

Nevermind your tongue, cat got your Kleenex? Here's hoping he's feeling generous once flu season hits...

Eisberg Mountain Wine Decanter

Sold Out Amazon »

The Eisberg wine decanter represents an interesting metaphor. With its snowcapped mountain rising out of the base of the aerating chamber, a decanter filled with your 2008 Cab puts you at the summit of your climb. Which...

2019 Dragon Sex Wall Calendar

Sold Out Amazon »

It seems I've been neglectful in my dragon sex updates, missing 3 years' worth of Dragon Sex Wall Calendar releases! These pages haven't seen any good dragon sex since Kelsey Todd's 2015 edition of the hottest date tracker...

Bones the English Butler Cocktail Table

$240.99 Amazon »

Have a seat. Take a load off. Rest your weary bones, and let this happy bag of bones bring you a drink. With Bones the English Butler it's always service with a smile...

Sprout Plantable Graphite Pencils

Sold Out Amazon »

It might not be the requisite #2, but using a Sprout Pencil will still help you ace at least one exam: the one that challenges you to grow some basil or forget-me-nots out of your graphite pencil...

The Journey Pipe

$29.99 - $59.99 The Journey Pipe »

The road is long, but the journey is...totally chill with a nice fat bowl packed into your Journey Pipe...