Cocoon Go Go Gadget Pack

- Condor 3 Day Assault Pack - $74.43
- Oakley Men's Kitchen Sink Backpack - $200.00
- Cocoon GRID-IT Organizer - $19.17
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- eBags Packing Cubes - 3pc Set - $24.99
Geez, here's a backpack that has as many fancy names associated with it as it does fancy pockets for holding gadgets. Organization brand Cocoon (that's #1) has released its SLIM (#2) tech backpack with MacBook Pro (#3) and iPad (#4) compartments, plus full-size front GRID-IT! (#5), a board with rubberized woven elastic cords for tidying and restraining chargers, cords, headphones, and Maria Menounos (#6). Not bad for a bag clocking in at 3-1/2" deep (fully packed) and 2-1/2 pounds (empty; weight increases to 5 pounds with addition of laptop and Menounos).
A Go Go Gadget holder fit for the Inspector himself, the SLIM backpack is also sheathed in water-resistant ballistic nylon and waterproof zippers to protect the Bond, Bat, and bumbling, trenchcoat-sporting everyman toys it contains within. In addition to 15" MacBook and tablet pockets, SLIM also has an interior document pocket and exterior zipper compartment. The GRID-IT! system is reconfigurable to suit specific and changing gadget-holding needs.
Muchas danke to Damn Geeky.