
The Chewbaccoat


While it is abundantly clear that this image of naked Princess Leia draped in the hide of Chewbacca is just an illustration, looking at it still stirs up the strangest mix of revulsion and horniness within me. Chewbacca...

Wonder Woman Bikini

Sold Out Amazon »

Hello, warrior princess of the Amazons. And that's putting it mildly. Were Wonder Woman to constrict me in the grips of her Lasso of Truth I might have some lengthier, more, uh...carnally colorful...things to say about...

Laser Pointer Tactical Necktie

$29.99 ThinkGeek »

Does a necktie equipped with a laser pointer and MOLLE system take the current tactical fad a step too far? Yeah, but...I kind of want one, so...on second thought, definitely not. ThinkGeek's tactical tie is fitted with...

Runnur Hands Free Carry-All

Sold Out Amazon »

The Hands Free Carry-All. It's like Chewbacca's bandolier meets Alan's satchel...but neither as sweet as the former nor as wholly emasculating as the latter. Runnur's shoulder-slung essentials tote somehow neutralizes...

Rhino Unbreakable Shoelaces

Sold Out Amazon »

Rhino Laces are guaranteed to be unbreakable, fireproof, and slashproof. By both the people who make them and the people who wear them--who happen to be one in the same. A group of wildland firefighters, tired of the...

Xenomorph Folding Knuckle Duster Ring

Sold Out Etsy »

A xenomorph is a pretty good choice for a knuckle duster topper I think. According to Wikipedia, these types of Aliens, unlike many others pitted against humans in the sci-fi genre, "do not have a technological civilization...

Deo Body Odor Candy


Bulgaria. That's the inspiration, the origin, the country we have to thank for Deo, a candy that makes you sweat roses. The Valley of the Roses sits between the Balkan and Sredna Gora mountain ranges in central Bulgaria...

Wocket Smart Wallet

$179 NXT-ID Inc. »

Is that a Wocket in your pocket, or are you just expecting me to pay for dinner? Like the Coin card consolidator, Wocket is an electronic wallet replacement that stores personal information from all of your credit and...

Silhouette Cameo Electronic Cutting Tool

Sold Out Amazon »

The Silhouette Cameo is for crafty people. Crafty people who want to electronically cut their own intricately-designed greeting cards and cupcake papers. Or crafty people who want to DIY a perfect, mathematically accurate...

Kairos Hybrid Smartwatch

$499 - $1,199 Kairos »

Kairos is accepting preorders for the world's first and only (let's see for how long) mechanical-smartwatch hybrid. The series' 2 designs and 4 price points aren't cheap, but at rates of 50% to 60% off expected eventual...

Shark Ring


The full name of the Dan's Magic Custom Jewelry shark ring is Huge Shark Ring. I'd like to add the word "ass" in there too. Huge Ass Shark Ring. Really. It sits about 3/4" off the finger and, due to its formidable girth...

Finfolk Custom Mermaid Tails

By what magnitude would the awesomeness of mud wrestling increase if all the ladies participating got to wear a Finfolk Productions 100% dragonskin and platinum cure silicone mermaid tail? Muddy, slippery, rolling on...

McWhinney Active Wedding Rings

$825 - $5,170 McWhinney Designs »

Jeff McWhinney designs wedding rings for men who move. Like a little more than from their desk to the john, the car to the house, and the couch to the fridge. Hikers, golfers, climbers, weight lifters, even really intense...

Anti-Kidnapping Watch Band

$25 Gearward »

Mark Greenman has seen the TIHK and raised it a ceramic razor blade, a 4' Kevlar friction saw, and one trip to the lower hemisphere. In his own words: I designed the A-K Band because I plan on traveling to South America...

Jet Black Toothpaste

Now this looks disgusting and promising. Binotomo Nasu Dentifrice, or Jet Black Toothpaste, expands upon the ideas that 1) adding charcoal powder to beauty products will extract skin impurities and whiten teeth, and 2)...

Lucky Golden Poo

$13.65 - $499.95 Shapeways »

While some feel pooing gold provides the rectal rush of a lifetime, others find its one-and-done nature too fleeting. It's in, 4 hours to 3 days later it's out, and then it's over. For those in this latter group of precious...

Giant Robot Slippers with Sound

$29.99 ThinkGeek »

Perfect. I've been looking for some giant robot feet to go with my giant robot arms. And these are slippers? With Vrrrrrr-clank! Vrrrrrr-clank! sound effects? Did I say perfect? I meant better than perfect. I meant, like...

Baby Tattoo Sleeve Onesie

Sold Out Amazon »

This baby with a mohawk and sleeves tattooed on his arms looks ridiculous. Even though the mohawk is probably just a styling of the only hair he has on his head and the sleeves are part of a onesie. The poor bastard...

Osteoid - 3D Printed Ultrasound Cast

Great. Now kids are going to start breaking one another's arms just so they can get a sick 3D-printed cast with attached bone stimulator to set and heal it. I mean, that's what I'd do if I were a kid. OK, maybe with a...

Han Solo-Chewbacca Reversible Hoodie


Life has been very difficult for some since the Mark Ecko reversible Chewbacca hoodie sold out. It was pretty much the Star Wars garment to end all Star Wars garments. But I like this new alternative alright too. Maybe...

TI:ME Slipper Sneakers

$70 - $130 TI:ME »

Total comfort and relaxation without looking like a hobbit. This is the objective of TI:ME slippers. Though I would contend that the Kickstarter project's soft-soled, plush-lined, yoga-matted, walking-on-Air Jordans go...

Baby Mop Onesie

$50.49 »

Finally! A use for babies! Come on little Timmy, you need to work up an appetite and I need to see my reflection in those hardwoods. That's right, time to earn your breast milk, son. And try not to get too sweaty or haggard...

GoPlug Powered Bags

$129 - $399 Kickstarter »

I kind of like the idea of sitting on a park bench with a backpack sporting an electrical outlet. Typing away on a laptop plugged into something that once carried books, but now carries a 115v, 60Hz device capable of...

Belt Buckle Knife


Well I just hope the sheaths in Bowen's blade-wielding belts are secure and hefty enough to preclude any potential slippage or puncturing in the vicinity of the most important part of my body. The last thing I need from...