
Zelda Poe Soul in a Bottle Necklace

$12 Etsy »

If I killed dead a being of pure hatred and encapsulated it in its lantern, I'd take the rupees from the Poe Collector for it rather than let it dangle from my neck so dangerously close to my heart. Sure Poe Souls can...

Built-in Pocket Square T-Shirt

$24 - $39 Voy Voy »

This yuppy East Coast trend baffles me. But VoyVoy built-in pocket square T-shirts constitute one I could support without feeling like a pretentious tool. Because unlike numerous layered Polos with their collars up, pocket...

Middle Earth Map Leggings

Sold Out Amazon »

Control Middle-earth--and likely all male Elves, Wizards, Orcs, Dragons, Dwarves, Ents, and Hobbits--for under $100. You don't even have to enter into battle or acquire Rings of Power. Leave it to Black Milk Clothing...

Black Light Rubik's Cube Necklace

$15 Etsy »

Hey, an all-blue Rubik's Cube. I think I could maybe solve that kind. Aw man, it's only 2D. And it's a pendant. Strikes 1 and 2. Then again, a pendant doesn't require solving at all. A pendant requires no intellectual...

Ninja Turtles Beanie

$35 Etsy »

If given the choice between the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bra and Miss Pamela's Ninja Turtles beanie, most men would probably choose the beanie for themselves and the bra for all ladies. But not me. I would choose...

Functional Lighter Cufflinks


How boss will I be when people see me light a stogie with my cufflinks? Never mind that the awe and admiration will be fleeting once my shirt sleeve and, shortly thereafter, entire person also erupts into flame*. A few...

Dry Goods Athletic Spray Powder

$15 Amazon »

My first question when Tim Joyce wrote to me about his Dry Goods athletic powder was, "Uh, what's that?" To which he responded, "It's essentially sprayable Gold Bond without the mess." Cool. But of course my second question...

Titanium Handcuff Ring

$495 Boone Rings »

Like the Titanium Utility Ring, Bruce Boone's Titanium Handcuff Ring owns a slot in his Laser Cut Series of jewelry. The mini finger cuff precisely matches a full-size bad (or naughty) guy restraint, and even opens and...

P.E. Is Not the Olympics Shirts

$27.99 - $29.99 Skreened »

It was between the "Calm down bro. It's P.E. not the Olympics" shirt and the "I try not to laugh at my own jokes but we all know I'm hilarious" shirt. I went with the first one because I figure the second really only...

Final Fantasy Buster Sword Necklace


Cloud Strife needs some help wielding his massive Buster Sword and Zack seems to be busy at the moment. Want to wear it around your neck? Chainmail mastro Michelle has hand woven a 23" gunmetal chain to support its hefty...

Six Shooter Shave Brushes

You've had clean shaves, close shaves, and probably much-needed shaves, but have you ever had a .44 caliber shave? Six Shooter Shave Brushes, from badger bristles to authentic shell casing handles, will deliver a face...

Pebble E-Paper Smartphone Watch

$79.99 - $95 Amazon »

One of the most successful Kickstarter campaigns of all time, the Pebble E-Paper watch for iPhones and Androids have stormed through large-scale production and sale. The self-proclaimed "infinitely customizable" timepiece...

Custom Coordinates Bracelet

$18 Etsy »

Where did you grow up? Where's the greatest place you've ever been? Where did you bury your AC Slater acid washed pleated jeans for safe keeping? Where was your first kiss with Elle MacPherson...'s photo on the cover...

His & Hers Star Wars Rings

$650 Etsy »

I like the idea of the Force being with me, but I also like the idea of stuff. With one of these Star Wars rings I will still be able to envision and harness the power of an intangible Force, but, more importantly, I'll...

DJ Leggings


I have to admit, part of the reason I like these DJ Leggings is that they make it look like you can just temporarily unplug a girl's tubes to keep her from getting pregnant. Which, to whomever out there is working on...


Suck it, Facebook! For a mere $200, Pixelhead will guarantee I never again have to worry about my boss' boss' boss finding his Timeline filled with photos of me double Boobs Ice Luging it with his 22-year-old daughter...

Titanium Utility Ring

$385 Boone Rings »

The next generation of bottle opener rings settles into a titanium home. With roommates. Designer Bruce Boone has thrown ultra-sharp twins Straight Blade and Serrated Blade, wily bad boy, Saw, and ...yahtzee!...the dapper...

Drinkmaster Hoodie

$59.99 Zane Lamprey »

Unlike braces and Yoda, the Drinkmaster Hoodie checks in as both useful and good-looking. A sleek black fleece zip-up with a bevy of booze-specific pockets and effects, the Drinkmaster is the hardcore partier's ultimate...

Double Handed Glove of Love

$39.59 »

Four things to keep in mind, men, when you buy a Smitten, the double handed glove of love, for your wife or girlfriend this Valentine's Day. 1) The Smitten is a glove built for two schmoopy folks' simultaneous use. 2)...

Les Frites Bustier


This seems like a bad idea. When I see a plate of fries that isn't mine, I instantly begin salivating, fighting the urge to grab a handful and shove them in my mouth. I can't image seeing a rack of fries that isn't mine...

Nanotech Storm Suit

$499 - $629 Indochino »

Style. Connectivity. Protection from hypothermia. When 21st century power players dress to impress, kill, or otherwise command the respect of their minions, they wear Indochino's Nanotech Storm Suit. Disclaimer: If you...

The Big Face Woody Bamboo Watch

$150 - $160 NFNT »

The Big Face Woody. Is the name alone not reason enough to pledge our support of Oahu designer NFNT's bamboo watch? I wonder how many people inadvertently stumble across this eco-friendly wooden timepiece during Google...

Stealth Wear - Counter Surveillance Clothing

Privacy crusader Adam Harvey builds off of his last experiment with fashion as a means of confidentiality, CV Dazzle, with a new line of counter surveillance clothing termed Stealth Wear. While the CV Dazzle system focused...

World's Thinnest Watch


The new name in ultra-thin? It', not the chick who's playing Carrie in the prequel series to Sex and the City. Hint: It's an inanimate object. It', not Nicole Kidman. Mom, stop trying to guess! You're messing...