
Princess Leia Bun Headphone Covers

Sold Out Etsy »

Things that have withstood the test of time: Star Wars; synthetic hair; cunning women's ability to lure horny men by donning Princess Leia cinnamon buns. New to the mix is that these spirals o' power are useful too. Permanently...

Infant Monkey Costume

$28 - $71.99 Amazon »

This isn't quite Ralphie in his pink bunny pajamas from Aunt Clara, but it's pretty close. I don't think the idea here is to dress your infant comfortably, but more to entertain adults and create some classic photo opportunities...

Skirt Length Sluttiness Stockings


While these may not be the definitive measurement for exactly how a lady is feeling, they're certainly guaranteed to provoke some interesting conversation. From "demure" to "dangerous" the Leg's Talk stockings provide...

Fight Club Soap

Although not quite running true to the movie in substance, in look and feel, this Fight Club bar of soap replica has it nailed. Claiming to be made from electrolytes, caffeine and "punching" it looks like it will smell...

Rorschach Ink Blot Masks

$29.95 Rorschach Masks »

Would you like to cause your friend to take a great big turd in his shorts? These Rorschach masks, if I'm to believe what I'm seeing on the video, are built specifically to do just that. Made famous by Jackie Earle Haley...

EOS Mixtape Watch

$135 Shop Adorn »

The days of pouring your heart and soul into the making of a mixtape are certainly beyond us. And while there was no better way to express how you felt about someone than selecting a specific group of songs written and...

Batman Begins Motorcycle Suit

$1,196 UD Replicas »

From the brilliant mind of Lucius Fox and "the copycats" at UD Replicas comes this faithful rendition of the bat suit as worn by Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins. Painstaking work with the original screen suits has gone into...

The Boob Scarf

$30 Etsy »

Breast enhancement surgery is a major decision every 16 year old girl has to make for herself. Why not give the new look a trial run first while at the very same time keeping your neck warm? Don't think that's possible?...

Macbook Air Compact Mirror


Steve Jobs, the visionary that was Apple Computer, it is said had one dying wish. One last insight into the culture he helped create. And that insight brought us the Macbook Air Compact Mirror for ladies to see what they...

Due For Delivery Date Maternity Shirts


Cute. Now everyone will stop asking. Available in pink or blue ink so you won't have to field that one anymore either. Say, how filling in all that white space with the rest of the questions you're tired of answering?...

Turntable Ring

$351 OYE Modern »

This Christmas, give a turntable ring to your favorite 50-something frenemy along with a copy of A Visit from the Goon Squad, and grab a front row seat for the launch Mid-Life Crisis Part II. The record is even made of...

Barcode Tattoos

$7.50 Barcode Art »

Not quite ready to make today's ironic tat trend a lifelong companion? Or even a week-long reminder that corporate America condemns those with conspicuous body art to careers in food service? These peel-off barcode tattoos...

Inner Message Ring

$169.99 Infmetry »

It's the relationship and commitment hairshirt! Currently available in "Always" and "Marry me", Inner Message Rings are the perfect way to say, "If you really love me, you'll wear this ring that never stops gouging your...

Pain Is A Bitch Bandages

Most of these obscenity bandages seem apropos for the injuries they will cover, but who yells, "Balls!" after slicing through Tallman instead of the onion? Seriously, is "Balls!" really anyone's go-to vulgarity when overcome...

Alice In Wonderland Ring


If you're going to have a trippy terrarium ring protruding 3 inches from your finger, it may as well be filled with characters from the most bizarre tale of an acid trip ever passed for children's literature. Too bad...

The Inbred Silicone Mask

$710 SPFX Masks »

I've been wanting to resemble an inbred my entire life. It's a difficult look to pull off though...convincingly at least. And without the look, my hopes of heading off into the sunset of the foothills of West Virginia...

The Halloween Ring

Sold Out Etsy »

A scene from a scary movie is sculpted in polymer clay under a glass dome and you can wear it on your finger. The perfect goth inspired engagement ring perhaps? Certainly a terrific conversation piece at the very least...

Ulala Space Channel 5 Costume


The year is 2499 AD when a group of punk aliens land on Earth and start demanding that people dance. Oh, it's my worst nightmare. And delivering the blow by blow of me butchering every dance move in a non-ironic way will...

Sand Imprint Flip Flops

$19.95 Etsy »

Leave a message in the sand for those who follow in your footsteps, poignant or not. Anything you want. These suckers are custom made to say whatever it is you like. I predict 50% of the orders are for some variant of...


If your audition for the Clever Devil Brigade is coming up, but you don't have the cash to tattoo a mustache on your index finger, an $8 solution is here!...

Raised By Wolves Onesie

$18 Etsy »

These button-cute baby threads are hitting the online shopping world just in time for the next installment of Twilight. The one where Bella gets preggo!...

Dust Mop Slippers

Sold Out Amazon »

No, gentlemen, October is not too early to start thinking about Christmas gifts for your wife. And the great thing about these slippers is that they look just like real mops, which ensures that when you wear them to collect...

Mini Monkey Nail Polish Dryer

Sold Out Amazon »

This little battery operated monkey has one job. Blowing. Women have long despised blowing, so why not buy a monkey to get the job done for you. Just press the button, sit back, and relax while this cute little guy does...

Baby Blue Terry Shark Robe

Sold Out Amazon »

Though not always as deadly as they seem, let's face it, babies are predators. Sharks in sheep's clothing. Seconds away from their next tantrum. Ready. Waiting... to ruin your life. So let's not pretend we like them...